Education system vs. Creativity
One cannot discuss ADHD without discussing the school educational system. Why? In general, how children are perceived is greatly influenced by the school they go to. Their capabilities are measured on their performance in a school which is based on the principle of “one size fits all”. No matter how much a child differs, what his/her learning style is and what his/her needs and strengths are, each child undergoes the same program following the same learning methods. If a child has a problem following the curriculum, a deficit is seen and assigned to a child. Even though the child's difficulties emerged because of the system, the system is never changed. Child is.
And that is the problem hyperactive dreamers encounter. Their strengths and gifts are overshadowed by school curriculum uniformity and their problems are easily being mistaken with ADHD.
Educational system where children are thought to be receivers of information, not thinkers or inventors, where children are passive, obliged to listen attentively, sit throughout the class, follow the rules, obey the authority – is not environment where creativity is nurtured – a basic asset of hyperactive dreamers.
That is why current concept of school system shouldn't be used as a platform for diagnosing ADHD. School rules do not simply apply in real word. School success is not always an indicator of success in life. How many children succeeded as adults despite their poor grades and low self confidence that school caused? And how many didn't even they had all the potential they needed?
But on the other hand, such system is not bad for all kids. There are children and individuals who actually benefit tremendously from such a system.
That is why school evolution-revolution is inevitable. Concept of school system should be flexible, almost nonexistent to be able to adapt to the needs and interests of each child. Each child’s needs should become priority; each child should come first before any information, teacher or school curriculum.
True help for hyperactive dreamers will come from creating environment (school) where their creativity could flourish. By doing so, benefit not only hyperactive dreamers, but everyone.