Famous hyperactive dreamers
It should be strange that many of these successful people had problems and were not recognized at the times when they went to school. What helped them emerge from the rest, what enabled them to reach for new ideas, are the same traits that caused them to have problems at school. Their basis was their emotional zest that enabled them to experience the world, to enter into the depths of their interests that were unimaginable to others.
- Albert Einstein
- Isaac Newton
- Leonardo da Vinci
- David Neeleman
- Paul Orfalea
- Thomas Edison
Their minds were healthy however functioning differently.
For us, they should serve as examples for how to observe future generations, what to provide future generations with, and what kind of environment, including educational, our future generations need. Even the above named individual's strengths haven't been recognized in school, and has to be on us not to make the same mistake with present and future generations.
Since the time Albert Einstein left school, mankind has progressed so much. The man has been sent to the Moon, DNA has been deciphered, and the surface of the Mars has been photographed, but there has not been enough progress in developing education to fit the needs of each individual child.